My simple configuration for roundcube

I have roundcube 1.6.7 installed, with the default skin “elastic”.

I have several options changed in “” — the configuration file for roundcube. The are listed as follows.

# how roundcube talks to mailserver, here for smtp/imap we use SSL only
$config['imap_host'] = 'ssl://';
$config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://';

# managesieve plugin is enabled for filters
$config['plugins'] = ['managesieve'];

# don't let roundcube auto-detect user language, use en_US by default
$config['language'] = 'en_US';

# webmail session timeout (one day)
$config['session_lifetime'] = 1440;

# logo and favicon
$config['skin_logo'] = '';

# disable users to edit their identities
$config['identities_level'] = 3;

With these customized options I have got an acceptable webmail system, which works fine on either PC or mobile.
