The answer is provided by Alexander on postfix mailing list. SMTP-DANE Outgoing:# validate DANEsmtp_dns_support_level = dnssecsmtp_tls_security_level = dane # or dane-only ( Incoming: – setup DNSSEC for your domain (out of scope here on the postfix list) – publish TLSA recordse.g. (not everything there is […]
Author: fenghe
My simple configuration for roundcube
I have roundcube 1.6.7 installed, with the default skin “elastic”. I have several options changed in “” — the configuration file for roundcube. The are listed as follows. With these customized options I have got an acceptable webmail system, which works fine on either […]
The privacy email I recommend
I have a lot of email accounts in different providers. Each email has its own unique characteristics, some focus on office work, some focus on storage, some focus on privacy, and so on. If you care about privacy and security, I suggest the following […]
Steps to make email system more secure
I took the following steps to make my email system more secure and robust. With those steps, it can reduce spam and reduce the chance of abuse of the mail system. If you have interests in my mail system, please check this site.
Two issues I got on Azure recently
The last day I launched a VM in Azure, with ubuntu 20.04 installed. The official sources can’t be used at all, any command executed by ‘apt’ will fail. So I have to use ubuntu’s sources list rather than MS’s. The following are my items […]